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Genpact Recruitment
All Genpact recruiters have email addresses, and our employees contact candidates through their email addresses only. If you receive a communication from someone stating that they work for Genpact, check the email address. If the email address is,,, or any other domain not owned by Genpact or the email address misspells Genpact’s name, it is safe to assume that the recruiter is not a Genpact employee.
Genpact is an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion or belief, sex, age, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, military/veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws. Genpact is committed to creating a dynamic work environment that values diversity and inclusion, respect and integrity, customer focus, and innovation.
Genpact does not charge fees to process job applications. Genpact does not require applicants to pay to participate in our hiring process in any other way. Examples of scams include purchasing a ‘starter kit,’ paying to apply, or purchasing equipment or training.
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Genpact India Employees
Employees joining Genpact India, please click here to view the mandatory documents required for a compliant and seamless onboarding.
Employment verification
Check here for US employment verification. Genpact has partnered with the The Work Number® service to complete all employment verifications.